Dennis Welch - Dennis was raised in Oklahoma and grew up working on large cattle ranches in the foothills of the Ozark Mountains.  He then joined the U.S. Navy after high school and spent several years as a sailor, before then getting out, and becoming an engineer.  Working as an engineer is what brought Dennis to Rhode Island in 2006, where he would meet his future wife, Crystle, and become a native Rhody!  In 2018 he met Martin and the two quickly created a friendship that has since transitioned into a business partnership that has blossomed into what you now see today as Slate Hill Cattle Company.  Dennis brings to the table his years of knowledge and experience of working a successful cattle operation, as well as his 20+ years of engineering expertise to the ranch.  When not doing his 9-5 job as an IT Specialist at Naval Station Newport, you can find Dennis working at the ranch in some capacity, spending time with his young children and wife, or hunting and fishing if there are any hours left in the day to do so.

Patrick “Martin” Beck
- The son of a country veterinarian and a science teacher, saw a career in landscape architecture disappear before his eyes during 2008's economic downturn.  He noticed, however, that the local food scene was on the rise and bought a grass-fed steer from a Little Compton farm with a few friends.  That farm lacked any marketing or sales strategy and in a moment of bold predictions - life pivoted.  Martin built relationships with a handful of chefs, established a presence at the URI Farmers Market and learned about the nutritional and environmental benefits of rotational grazing for pastured beef production.  Two years later he launched his own brand with no land, borrowed money, bought a dozen stocker steers and found some places where they could graze with other herds for daily fee - a risky proposition.  After several lean years later growing animals to the highest humane and culinary standards, he was offered the chance to lease 100 beautiful acres in Portsmouth and Cloverbud Ranch was born.  Dennis appeared one Christmas with a gift certificate provided by a woman he trained in the endurance sports.  Customer turned into friend, into regular helper, into investor with his own steers.  This year we formalized our partnership, transitioning to cow-calf breeding herd and rebranding our shared vision as Slate Hill Cattle Company.  In his free moments, Martin enjoys cooking, reading, rugby & flyfishing.